Winter Conditioning Registration

Winter Conditioning Registration (Updated 1/8/2025)

The are the steps for the registration process. Please complete by the noted due dates and times. Please know there may be changes as we work with RRHS. A broadcast a notification will go out if there are any changes. Thanks for being patient.

  1. Complete the Crew Online Athlete Information Form. Due date Saturday 11/30/2024 11:59pm.
  2. Have VHSL Physical Form completed and signed by Doctor’s office. Date of physical must be after 5/1/2024. An option for fast turn around is CVS minute clinc. Keep the original and turn in a copy to Coach by 1/29/2025.
  3. Complete RRHS Activity Registration and make sure to select ‘Spring’ season and then ‘Crew’. Winter Conditioning is a pre-spring activity. Due by 1/29/2025.
  4. Accept invitation for Rock Ridge Crew. Teamsnap invitation will triggered once you have completed online athlete form or online payment.
  5. Online payment is $399 via Paypal account is not needed. Payments past deadline have a late fee of $25. Due date Thursday 11/30/2023 11:59pm.
Paypal Online Payment
Enter Athlete Name